Liquid based Freezers Flash Freeze Videos

Flash Freeze Related Videos
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Next up! Freezing a Kabayaki Eel with liquid based freezers
Kabayaki Eel
In this one minute video, the Kabayaki eel changes drastically after being inserted in the「Re・Joice Freezer」. White portions form seconds after starting the freezing process, and the extremely fast change of content is easily noticeable.
In less than 3 minutes, the Kabayaki eel is completely frozen.
Freezing Fresh Fish
The nodoguro (Hilgendorf saucord/fresh fish) is packaged and sank into the liquid freezer. You can see the surface whiten gradually and in about 5 minutes, the content is completely hardened and frozen. Through the liquid based freezer technology, fishes with limited time to consume before expiration dates can be stabilized for distribution.