Exclusive Flash Freezer Line:
The Exclusive range of Blast Freezers and Blast Chillers from Flash Freeze are guaranteed to deliver the highest quality flash freezing in the market. With extensive testing and support from a global clientele, our range of blast chillers and blast freezers are the go to solution for all your flash freezing needs. In addition to being fantastic flash freezers, our models are also capable of slow cooking to perfection.
If you are looking for a multi purpose blast freezer or blast chiller, look no further than our Exclusive Flash Freezer Line!

Exclusive Storage Freezer Line:
The Flash Freeze Storage Freezer Line is capable of taking temperatures down upto -80 Degrees Celsius. With options ranging from -40 to -80, our storage freezers can help you preserve your precious inventory for years at a time.
If you are looking for a storage freezer that is capable of freezing inventory for long periods of time with minimal quality loss, look no further than our Exclusive Storage Freezer Line!

Spiral Freezer Line:
Flash Freeze and Frigor Box brings to you the most advanced in Spiral Freezing Technology. With support from the very best in the business and years of research and development, our Spiral Freezers can help your business achieve new heights while maintaining the quality that makes you stand out from the competition.
If you are looking for a Spiral Freezer that can be customized and modified to suit your own personal needs and requirements, then look no further than our Spiral Freezer Line!

Ultra Low Temperature Tunnel Freezer Line:
The SW Ultra Low Temperature Tunnel Freezer series promises to deliver the highest standards of quality tunnel freezing. With customizable designs and a flexible production line, it is easier than ever for you to have your very own tunnel freezer line.
If you are looking for a Tunnel Freezer that can be customized and modified to suit your own personal needs and requirements, then look no further than our Tunnel Freezer Line!

ReJoice Freezer Line:
Our Rejoice Freezers boast the specialty of having a liquid based freezing method. The ingredient is dipped in -20~-35℃ alcoholic fuel and this ensures much better freezing.
The difference between a regular freezer and the Rejoice Freezer is that rather than blowing cold air to freeze the food supply, this freezer uses a liquid fuel with an alcohol base. The goal of using this method is to reach the freezing temperature of food much faster without giving the food a chance to degrade. The liquid based freezer, is more qualified as a freezer than magnetometers or oxygen freezer.
As a liquid base is able to transfer heat away from the product much faster than other methods, the ethanol that the product is dipped in able to freeze contents much faster than other competitors in the market. This is why the “Liquid based freezer has the fastest record“
Our Service
We here at Flash Freeze work closely with the best Freezer Manufacturers in Japan to bring you the best technology available in the Freezing Industry. Whatever your requirements may be, we can help you find the perfect freezer to suit your business and its growing needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we may consult with you and help you find the right freezer for you.
When we look for a blast freezer , what exactly are we looking for? Are we looking for a freezer that is capable of freezing … Read More
The process of purchasing a blast freezer can be quite a daunting task, especially when you consider that there are so many points and factors … Read More
When it comes to the topic of blast freezing or blast freezers, one of the most commonly asked questions is, “What is the temperature of … Read More
When it comes to ice cream, we all have our favorites. Growing up, we all had our favorites when it came to different brands. However, … Read More
We have all had that one loaf of bread, fresh out of the bakery, that made us hope it never loses its softness, delicious smell … Read More
Can you get a blast freezer for rent?
When looking for new equipment, sometimes we all want to save some of the initial costs of setting … Read More