Flash Freezer On The Job:Open Heart Co

Open heart Co.’s & Flash Freezers
We are very proud to be working with some of the best in the food industry in Japan. We have clients all over the country that entrusted us to providing them with our Flash Freezer to help them grow their company. Today we are happy to get the opportunity to showcase how our Flash Freezers have helped Open Heart Co. expand their reach with their great assortments of Japanese Sashimi.
Here is a basic run down on which Flash Freezer model they decided to implement into their business.
The Order
Delivered Model:
The model they decided to use for their business was non other then the ReJoice Freezer RF-10DL. This is smaller option of our Rejoice freezer line up, but for Open Heart It was the perfect model for them as they tried to freeze and store the products at a larger chiller. With the ReJoice Flash Freezer, it was a possible for them to quickly Flash Freeze their Japanese sashimi and other assortments of fish and meat products.
Delivered To:
Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Product Line Up:
The products that Open Heart Co. works with is that of Japanese Fish (Hilgendorf Saucord), various other assortments of smaller fishes, and other meat related products.
Open Heart goal:
Open heart is a national sashimi provider and other fish assortments. Their goal is to provide great sashimi all over Japan and all over the world!
Benefits of Flash Freezer Implementation:
After Open Heart implemented our Flash Freezer’s Re Joice Freezer, they were able to widen their distribution range to not only Shimane prefecture, but to other prefectures all around Japan. With Re Joice’s, Open Heart’s inventory was able to steadily increase and still be properly frozen with no damage to the products texture and taste.