Commercial Freezers: Farmnet Japan CO

Farmnet Japan CO and our Re-Joice Commercial Flash Freezer
Companies in the food industry need a commercial freezer that will increase inventory longevity, decrease time to freeze products, and maintain inventory moisture and texture during the freezing process. Farmnet Japan CO needed a commercial freezer of the highest quality. That is why they came to us to find the commercial freezer that could handle their work load and quality assurance. Below is the specs of the freezer they choose for their business and their comments regarding the results our Re-joice freezer brought them.
Purchased Model
Liquid Based Flash Freezer (Alcohol Brine)
processed Amount:
Re-joice model Freezing capabilities: 100kg per hour
Frozen products:
Meat: Ham, Sausage, etc
Achieved Goal While using Re-joice
With our Re-joice Liquid based commercial freezer, Farmnet Japan Co., LTD was able to keep up with growing demands while still maintaining quality production and proper distribution of their product.
Consideration of Purchase:
-Total cost (utility, operation costs)
-Quality of products after being frozen.
-increasing profits via increase destribition options
Comments From Farmnet Japan:
After Farmnet Japan purchased our commercial freezer, they saw an increase in total quality of their products after being frozen and therefore saw an increase in sales and merchandise availability year long.
Re-Joice commercial freezer & Farmnet Japan
After using various freezers in the market, Farmnet Japan. CO choose our re-joice commercial freezer to be their main commercial freezer. We would love to also help your business and keep your inventory fresh and ready to be sold at anytime. We are so confident that you will like our freezer selection that we offer free consultation and schedule a free visit to our showroom in the center of Tokyo for you to test all of our freezer and see for yourself.
Contact us TODAY via the BLUE mail toggle to schedule you’re an appointment at our showcase room in Tokyo!