Introducing the Flash Freezer Show Room

Flash Freezer Exhibition Hall・Show Room
Daybreak, Inc is a company specializing in flash freezers, and offers on-the-spot experiments with flash freezers.
For those who have questions and curiosity, it may be in your best interest to go and visit this comapany.
What can I do at the Exhibition Hall?
At the Mita Exhibition Hall, experts will kindly give detailed information to those with FAQs and confusions regarding the flash freezers.
Here, we will introduce 3 factors that make the Mita Exhibition Hall worth visiting.
- You can test freeze any ingredient you have brought with you.
- You can compare and contrast the costs and functions of each brand.
- You will be kindly accompanied through the installation arrangements and placement of the freezer.
Information regarding the variety of types, price, value and ability are all gathered together, making it very convenient to gain valuable knowledge in a short amount of time. Further more, the machines are made available to test out personal ingredients, and visitors are allowed on-the-spot testing of goods, while comparing different freezers to evaluate the best results.
If there are questionnaires that were not mentioned above, there are consultant who will carefully answer each concern, making it worth the visit. I myself also had the opportunity to visit the Exhibition Hall and test the freezers made available. Throughout the visit, I was astonished by the productive experience and thoughtfulness of the employees.
Here, we are sharing the commentary surveys of others who have visited the Mita Exhibition Hall.
Below are the impressions of others who have visited the Exhibition.
“I was able to test out each and every one of the brands, and was able to grasp an idea on which machines are best.”
“Through using my company’s product, I was able to understand the differences between the result produced by each machine.”
“After looking at the live tests, the speed of freezing was so much faster than what I imagined.”
“Gave me ideas for new frozen products”
“You will never know this (ingredient) was frozen”
“The outflow of drip is really minimized”
“Listening to the explanations of freezing methods answered all my questions. “
As written above, many of those who have visited the Exhibition Hall were amazed by the experience.
If you were to visit the Mita Exhibition Hall, all of the concerns and questions will be solved in 2~3 hours.
Mita Exhibition Hall-Daybreak, Inc
The Mita Exhibition Hall is the only place in Japan where comparisons between flash freezers are made available.
The reason why Daybreak, Inc has the ability to perform tests on every flash freezer brand is because this company is the only Japanese business specializing in flash freezers.
The advantage of a company that holds a neutral standing is that there is no favoritism expressed towards one brand,
and this corporation will act as a consultant upon understanding the customer’s necessities.
For those who were impressed by the Flash Freezer Technology and considered purchasing the machine, it is highly advised to go speak with a Daybreak, Inc employee before searching for one individually.
Along with what was mentioned above, the Mita Exhibition Hall by Daybreak offers services that were not mentioned above.
- Financial Subsidy Application and Fund Procurement
- Decrease the Electric Bill of freezers and refrigerators by 40%?
- Agent mediation to Yahoo shopping and Rakuten Global Market
- Internet Mail Order Service
- Supports Planning of New Products/Consulting
- International Mail Order support
- Community environment for Food and Drink Supplier to exchange Information
The services mentioned above are made possible because the company specializes in flash freezers.
In all of Japan, this experience is available only at Mita Exhibition Hall.
Additionally, a kitchen made for the tests/experiments have also been completed. Upon bringing ingredients, the exhibition hall offers freezing defrosting and sampling of the food product. Through this, anyone can confirm any difference in flavor of the ingredient.
There are also consultant rooms set up, and flash freezer experts are made available to answer any concerns or questions.
The Exhibition Hall is very popular! Please Reserve a meeting with one of the Consultant. Making a reservation is only a few clicks away ! First access the if there are any questions, I recommend contacting the call center as soon as possible. The questions are kindly answered, and Fund Procurement measurements are taken into consideration.