Blast Freezer and Mushrooms

Shimeji Mushroom, Truffle and Shiitake
Shimeji Mushroom, Truffle and Shiitake are critical members of the mushroom group. If these ingredients can be preserved for a long period while maintaining freshness, than the conservation cost and waste amount can be reduced and improvements can be made.Therefore, we have test froze different mushrooms at the Mita Exhibition Hall. I will introduce the results of the test freeze, what to consider and interesting facts about each mushrooms.
Shimeji Mushroom
Interesting Fact
“The flagrance of matsutake and taste of shimeji” is a popular saying that shows the highly praised flavor of shimeji mushrooms. The specific shimeji mushroom that is being referred in the saying is called Hon Shimeji. This type of shimeji is difficult to circulate and is rarely seen in the market.
Of course, normal shimeji mushrooms are delicious, and tastes phenomenal in soups. It is also a popular ingredient for vegetable stew. The seasonal period shimeji mushrooms are available is between October and November. This two month period is when the most delicious and affordable shimeji mushrooms are available. It is said that the more a shimeji mushroom looks like a plump looking umbrella, the more delicious it tastes. The shimeji mushrooms often sold at convenience stores are seen year round. However, with the normal method of preservation, the ingredient is damaged, and freezing it will drop the flavor quality.
During this experiment, we tested the two hypothetical questions written below.
1:Will the taste deteriorate if preserved with a Flash Freezer?
2:Will the market value stay the same if the content is preserved for display purposes?
Shimeji Nutrient Table
First, we would like to look at the nutriient information. This is the information of the ingredient with serving size of approximately 4 oz(100g).
Calories | 18 |
Carbohydrates | 5.0 g |
Protein | 2.7 g |
Fat | 0.6 g |
Ember content | 0.9 g |
Dietary Fiber | 3.7 g |
Content’s Water Percentage | 90.8 g (90.8%) |
Vitamin B1 | 0.16 mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0.16 mg |
Vitamin C | 7 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.08 mg |
Folic Acid | 28 μg |
Pantothenic Acid | 0.86 mg |
Potassium | 380mg |
Calcium | 1 mg |
Magnesium | 11 mg |
The water moisture is quite high at 90.8%
Shimeji Mushroom Test Freeze Results
This time, we test froze and compared between the air based freezer and liquid based freezer. While the taste/flavor remained the same for both freezers, the shape and structure of the content changed. Therefore, it would be difficult to sell frozen shimeji mushrooms.
However, there was relatively no difference in flavor, and can still be used as a ingredient for cooking a meal. When comparing the appearances of both shimeji mushrooms, the air based frozen content seemed to have maintained the original shape better. Therefore, the air based freezer is recommended when it comes to freezing shimeji mushrooms. The results of this test freeze can be concluded as follow:
The texture of frozen shimeji mushrooms may change, but the taste stays the same. Therefore, it is difficult to preserve for displaying purposes, but can be used for cooking. If restaurants utilized flash freezers then the mushrooms can be preserved for cooking, reducing the total wastes and losses.
Next is the shiitake.
Interesting Fact
shiitake is rich in glutting acid and ungulates which are well known for flavor component. Often used as a base for soup, this mushroom is commonly used by the Japanese people. The texture and flagrance is very unique, and individuals often love or hate this special mushroom.
There are two types of Shiitake「Raw」and「Dried」
- Raw Shiitake
This type can be battered, used as soup base, steamed, placed in sushi and stewed. Because freshness is easily lost, it is essential to preserve carefully. When purchasing from the grocery store, please check for these 2 things.
- The inner portion of the “umbrella” has not turned brown
- The content has not perspired excessively.
Additionally, when unpacking the content, it is dangerous if contents have high concentration of odor. If the ingredient emits such characteristics, it is recommended not to consume the content.
- Dried Shiitake
Dried shiitake refers to shiitake mushroom that has been clinically dehydrated. When dried, the flavor content and flagrance of shiitake mushrooms increase.
However, please remember to soak in water before consumption. Normally, the content will soak back up in an hour or two, depending on how it is cut. By soaking in the water for over 24 hours, a very delicious shiitake mushroom can be prepped. The prepped shiitake can be simmered or used as soup base. When content is being precooked, the returned liquid soup that comes out can also be used. By putting out in the sun, the amount of Vitamin D2 increases.
Can this shiitake be preserved for display and cooking purposes? Again, we will share the comparison results between the liquid based and air based method.
First we will share the Nutrient table.
Shiitake Nutrient Table 3~4 oz (100g)
Calories | 18 |
Content’s Water Percentage | 91.0 g |
Protein | 3g |
Vitamin D | 2.1μg |
Fat | 0.4g |
Ember content | 0.7 g |
Dietary Fiber | 3.5g |
Carbohydrate | 4.9g |
Potassium | 280mg |
Vitamin B1 | 0.1mg |
Calcium | 3mg |
Other than the moisture, mushrooms also have high amounts of dietary fiber. The dietary fiber contains many water-soluble components. This water soluble dietary fiber can protect the human body from diabetes, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and maintain the condition of intestines.
Shiitake Test Freeze
Pre liquid frozen Shiitake
Here, we will be introducing the shiitake test freeze. The liquid based freezer and air based freezer was used in this experiment. Because the Shiitake has high moisture at 91%, it was one of the more concerned ingredient to be frozen. The result of defrosted product showed no change in taste and appearance as the prefrozen state. The contents that were flash frozen with air based freezer had the best results. From this experiment, we were able to conclude that by flash freezing shiitake mushrooms can preserve the fresh appearance of the supply. Therefore, the frozen shiitake can be used for cooking without any issue. It can also be used as display in the grocery stores and farmer’s market.
Next is the Mushroom.
Interesting Fact
There are two types of mushrooms, known as brown and white. The difference of color can be set by the type of fungus. The brown has strong flagrance and compared to the white, has a thicker flavor, while the white has a creamy, classier taste. Mushrooms increase the flavor component when cells are broken, and is the perfect food, fit for freezing. Therefore, out of the mushrooms, is the only type that can be eaten/consumed raw. However, the quality may grow worse while being frozen, so it is essential to check before eating. A fresh mushroom has unopened “umbrella”, and is firm when touched. Here, we will be introducing the Nutrient Table.
Mushroom Nutrient Table
Edible portions 3~4 oz (100g)。
Calories | 11 |
Content’s Water Percentage | 93.9 g |
Protein | 2.9g |
Fat | 0.3g |
Carbohydrates | 2.1g |
Ember content | 0.8g |
Potassium | 350mg |
Calcium | 3mg |
Mushrooms have low calories, but are high in mineral concentration, making it a great dieting food. Additionally, mushroom is rich in guanylic flavor compnents and is fit for cooking recipes.
Here, we will introduce the results of the test freeze.
Result of Mushroom Test Freeze
We will introduce the results of air based freezer and liquid based freezer here. Mushrooms have a lot of water within, and is more likely to have cells broken and drip outflow. When actually defrosting the mushrooms, there were drip outflows and structural collapse of the food content collapsed. However, the flavor components of mushrooms increases, when cells are broken.
Therefore, when comparing the taste of prefrozen and postfrozen mushroom, the defrosted flavor was more delicious. The air based freezer preserved the original conditions best. Due to the drip outflow, it is difficult to sell as merchandise in the grocery stores, but using it to cook should be no problem. The mushroom is truly an ingredient fitting for freezing. For those wanting to preserve mushrooms for cooking, the air based freezer is highly recommended.
Interesting Fact
Along with the Caviar and Foie gras, is the truffle, one of the highest class of food. The official name of truffle is Seiyo Shouro. There are two type of truffles ranging between white truffle and black truffle. The white truffle can only be obtained in Europe, and due to the limited availability, is sold at high price. Both black and white truffles are very expensive. Truffles are also valuable because it cannot be grown economically. Truffles also have no nutrient table and often spend the whole life under 6~8 inches underground, making this another reason for its high value. Truffles were used as medicine in the 19th century. From long ago, when a man were to coax a woman, it has been said that making her eat truffle was effective.
Truffles also cannot be harvested for a 3 month period worldwide. It can be harvested in the Southern hemisphere between June and October, and from October to February in the Northern Hemisphere. However, from March to May, none can be harvested anywhere globally. The average preservation period with normal freezing and refrigeration method only lasts around 2 weeks.
Here, we will introduce the nutrient table of truffle.
Truffle Nutrient Table 3~4 oz (100g)
Calories | 42 |
Content’s Water Percentage | 93.9 g |
Protein | 0.5g |
Fat | 2.9g |
carbohydrate | 3.4g |
This is the nutrient information on truffle.
Result of Truffle Test Freeze
The truffle was also tested with both liquid based and air based flash freezers. In conclusion, the air based freezer had the better result, but both freezer failed to acquire adept results. The color content frozen with the air based freezer completely changed. Compared to that, the air based freezer reduced the color changes and drip outflows, but was still worse than the prefrozen state. While the outer appearances changed radically, the flavor and aroma remained the same. Therefore, restaurants that handle non-raw truffles may be able to use the ingredient.
In this page, we introduced the experiment results of Shimeji mushroom, shiitake, mushroom and truffles. From the results of experiment, the air based freezer is most recommended for the 4 types. There are many types of air based freezer, but this website recommends the Artlock freezer. The article below explains information on each freezer.