Frost in Freezer: A Real Solution!

Frost in Freezer: A closer look
Today we are going to look at a problem I am sure everyone has experienced. You open your commercial freezer, chest freezer, blast freezer, or even your freezer in your home, and you notice frost in the freezer. What do you do?
Frost in freezers has been a problem ever since freezers have been invented. Now, after all these years, this is still one of the few problems that has yet to be properly fixed. Frost in freezers is a problem that can not only slow your freezing of your products, but it will also slowdown your production line and affect your products and your company inventory.
Frost in freezers has several bad effects on not only the freezer, but it will ultimately affect your end product. Let us look at what happens when frost in freezers affects the food you are providing to your customers.
Frost Buildup in Freezer
Now let us look at not only frost in the freezer, but the buildup that is caused by it and how it occurs.
Frost in freezers occurs when there is excess mix of hot outside air and cold fronts created inside the freezer. For the most part frost in freezers is not a problem until the frost starts to gather in the vents. When this happens the frost build up in the freezer and starts to close some of the airways which create the cold fronts in the freezer. This in turn slows down the freezing time in the freezer. Cleaning the freezer every few months. This will require your freezing production line to stop for a period of time. Of course, this is not good for a large continuous production set up.
Slowdowns are not the only issue that you have to worry about when frost in the freezer, this can also ultimately affect the way your product is frozen. The slowdowns can cause time mismanagement of when the product is suppose to be frozen and could cause the product to be under or over frozen, affecting the frozen products overall quality, texture, and flavor. How can you prevent frost in freezers? Let’s go through some of the ways the problem can be solved.
Stop Freezer Frost: A Real Solution
Now that we know about the problems of having frost in the freezer and how that affects speed, freezing quality, overall just damages your freezer, how can we solve the problem? Well there are a few ways to solve large frost build up.
– Make sure the door of the freezer is fully closed
– Don’t leave the door open for a long period of time
– Make sure the ventilation is working
Now all these simple solutions will help, but will not fully get rid of frost in freezers as over time frost accumulates in the vents themselves. This is due to the fact that outside air comes in the freezer and is circulated while cold fronts are being made in the freezer. This mix of hot air and cold air is one of the reasons that frost is created.
This side effect is in all conventional freezers, no matter if those freezers are for home or commercial use. That is why frost in freezers is a problem found in all freezers that you can purchase in the market today.
Now, is there a real solution to prevent any front in the freezer and be able to use your freezer and all of it’s features at a 100% all the time? Well, with our freezer line up, there is a real solution!
With our freezer’s special freezing technology, our freezer is able to circulate only the air in the freezer and not mix outside hot air, allowing it to not only avoid frost build up, but it can also run continuously for up to 24 hours. Our freezer system can run all day while still being able to low the freezing time of the contents that are being frozen all the while being able to perfectly freeze your products all the time, maintaining the frozen contents original freshness, flavor and texture throughout the entire freezing process.
Compared to other conventional freezers out in the market, our freezer is able to keep the vents completely open allowing it to work at full potential throughout the whole day and night. Finally, a freezer that is truly able to flash freeze products at faster speeds than other conventional freezers all the while being able to maintain the frozen products original texture, flavor, and moisture of the product throughout the entire freezing and thawing process!
Another great feature outside the fact that there is no frost in the freezer is just how easy it is to clean it too! Working with other providers that have frost in freezers, it can be quite difficult to clean as the frost in the freezer will take quite a while to get rid of, but with no frost, that even without cleaning the freezer for a long period of time it will run at 100%.
At the end of the day a freezer is a big part of your product as it can not only affect the end product that you are presenting to your end customer, it affects virtually every other aspect of your product, from the speed in which you are able the provide your products to your customers, to the quality and presentation that you bring when your product is received. Maintaining the highest quality and making sure the quality in which the product is frozen in the freezer is consistent
If you are interested in maintain frost in freezers a thing of the past and making sure your freezer is running at full strength all day long, then we highly recommend looking into our exclusive freezer line. Please feel free to contact us via the blue mail toggle, contact page, or you can contact us directly via [ ].