Blast Freezer Price

As a Flash Freezer distributor, we are often asked about the prices of our Blast Freezers as well as receive multiple inquiries regarding the price range of our various products. The price range of the products depends upon a variety of factors and often depend upon the product that is being frozen as well. Various aspects of the product affect the type of freezer that would work best for it and in certain situations, the freezers are custom made to suit the requirements of the customer.
In this article, we will take a look at these factors that influence the price of a blast freezer as well as give you an idea as to how you can purchase your very own premium blast freezer.
Before we get into the nitty gritty however, let us do a quick run down of what a blast freezer really is and how it works.
What is a Blast Freezer?
Unlike ordinary run of the mill freezers, blast freezers focus on using super cooled air to rapidly freeze products for long periods of time, often several months to even years. Our blast freezers do this by focusing on rapidly freezing contents via air circulation or cold air flow within the freezer at a faster rate then other air type freezers in the market. In addition to this, the blast freezers also come with a patented 360 degree cooling technology that ensures that the product is frozen properly each and every time without any exception from all directions.
This ensures an even freezing profile, allowing for no breakage or damage to the outer layer or skin of the product.
The blast freezer comes with a wide range of premium features such as :
- 360 Degree freezing to freeze all surfaces of contents being frozen
- Frozen contents will maintain original texture and flavor
- No ice buildup in the vents for easy cleaning and easy use
- 24 hour freezing
- Tunnel freezer model size customization
- IQF and BQF capabilities.
- Benefit of Continuous production with little labor costs!
What is IQF ?
Our blast freezer comes with IQF Freezing Capabilities. IQF stands for Individually Quick Freeze. It is a process by which, products can be frozen in large quanities without individual units sticking together. Take the example of peas. Without IQF, simply quick freezing or blast freezing peas would make the individual peas stick together. However, with IQF technology, our blast freezer are capable of ensuring all food is processed in such a way so as to now allow any clumping of the product. This makes it much easier to individually freeze and store products like peaches, berries, peas, fish, shrimp and even meat products.
Drip Loss and why should you care?
Drip Loss is the process by which products lose a bit of their weight every time they are thawed or defrosted in the form of water. Drip loss is caused due to internal cell damage during the process of freezing.
In the process of freezing, there is something known as the “Ice crystal formation threshold”. This is the phase between 0 to -10 Degrees Celsius. It is at this stage that ice crystals form. The longer it takes a freezer to cross this threshold, the larger the size of the ice crystals and more significant the damage upon defrosting. Our freezers focus on getting past this threshold as fast as possible so as to minimize cell damage and preserve product integrity.
A debate on cost reduction and productivity improvement can not be concluded without considering the consequences and effect of driploss on food production. Higher driploss quantities lead to substantially reduced quality. Furthermore, drop loss also leads to a decrease in many of the product being thrown away.
Our Blast Freezer Line Up ensures the highest drip loss prevention on the market and allows for extreme flexibility in terms of storage time.
Price of a Blast Freezer
Depending on the product you wish to freeze, as well its quantity, thickness, weight and a range of other factors, the price of a blast freezer may vary. This is because factors such as thickness, density, moisture and fat content and a wide range of other variables play an important role in determining the final equation.
When investing in a freezer that can preserve your products, it is important that different factors other than the initial price of the blast freezer are taken into consideration. After all, the best investments always lead to the best results.
You will be able to increase your profit in two respects by introducing our blast freezers :
- Lower Drip Loss:
Lowering Drip Loss will make it simpler to store products all year round and will minimize stock waste - Reduced power consumption:
Our tunnel freezers cost approximately half the electrical expenses of a typical freezer.
In the face of increasing consumer demand for high-quality products, it is essential to recognize the significance of goods and services of high quality.
Purchasing a Blast Freezer
As a company owner, you always understand what’s best for your company and business.
And if you want the best, then you can do no wrong with our variety of Premium Blast Freezers.
If you are looking for a way to ensure that your product maintains its taste, texture and moisture and retains the highest quality,then look no further than our blast freezer technology.
We believe that our blast freezing technology can get you there. Please contact us via the blue mail toggle, contact form, or you are more than welcome to contact us directly at [ ].