Industry Applications : Blast Freezers

In our day and age, one would be hard pressed to find an industry that has not in some way been influenced by Blast Freezers or Blast Freezing Technology in one form or the other. Regardless of whether one is in the catering or food business or in the profession of medicine, production and manufacturing or even scientific fields, blast freezing and blast chilling have had an impact on the development of all of these fields.
If we were to chart a course through history and document the evolution of the various sciences, we will undoubtedly find a huge impact provided by the field of refrigeration. Today, blast freezers and blast chillers are present in some form in almost every industry. Today, we will be taking a look at a few of these blast freezer influenced industries.
Blast Freezer In Industry :
Agriculture :
The first industry that we will be looking into is the most fundamental industry to human civilization; agriculture. Agriculture forms the backbone of a lot of developing societies and played a huge part in the prosperity of nations in the past, paving a way forward for trade routes to be developed. However , it became clear with growing global demand for exotic and out of season fruits, vegetables and spices that if this prosperity were to be maintained, it would become necessary to find ways to meet these growing demands all year round.
Cue modern refrigeration. The advent of blast freezers and blast chillers ushered in a new age of commerce for farmers and the field of agriculture in general. No longer were producers limited to selling only seasonal varieties of fruits and vegetables. They could now process their produce with their blast chillers or blast freezers and and prepare an inventory that could allow for sales all year round. This also helped reduce food loss and had a positive impact on the environment as farmers no longer over grew crops. This, in turn helped minimize food wastage.
Fish and Meat Processing :
Modern animal husbandry cannot be imagined without proper refrigeration. They go hand in hand. In the past however, it was very difficult to ensure safe and proper consumption of meat over longer periods of time. Older outdated methods like salt brining were no longer used and normal household refrigeration was not enough to ensure the preservation of the quality and texture of the meat.
This is the point at which the meat industry decided to use the freezing technology of blast freezers and blast chillers to optimize their freezing process. Prior to freezing meat with blast freezers, it would not be possible to store the meat in storage freezers for long periods of time. However, as blast freezers became more common place in the industry, it became evident that the meat and fish frozen using blast freezers maintained its freshness, texture and hygiene for extended periods of time. All of a sudden it became possible for meat and fish to be stored for up to 6 months or even more! This was an unprecedented leap and paved the way for a lot of the modern comforts we accept for granted today.
Medicine :
Yes, blast freezing has had its impact on the field of medicine as well. As the standard of living increased due to advancements in other fields, so did the global population and along with it the need for better medical health care and testing. It was now necessary to find new and innovative ways to process tissue and cell cultures and maintain these at very specific temperatures. To address this need, the technology behind blast freezers was implemented into cryogenic chambers. These chambers have been used for a wide variety of medical applications. From tissue culture to running controlled tests as well as treatments and storage of vaccines and other life saving medicine. All of this became possible due to the hard work of doctors and scientists alike , hand in hand with blast freezer refrigeration techniques.
If you would like to know more about the business applications of blast freezers, check out our Blast Freezer Business article.
Advancing your Business with a Blast Freezer :
Blast freezers are extremely versatile and definitely have a wide variety of applications. Whether you are involved in agriculture or fish and meat or even in the business of restaurants and catering, there is always a need for proper refrigeration and blast freezers provide some of the best in the market.
Our own website features a wide array of blast freezers and blast freezing equipment that can revolutionize the production process and give your business the boost it needs to reach its full potential and stand out from the competition. With blast freezers designed specifically to handle anywhere from a few kilograms to several tons of product, look no further than our exclusive blast freezer lines.
Perhaps you need a blast freezer for your bakery or for processing chocolate and pastries? We have that.
Not a patisserie? Need a blast freezer for your factory or restaurant instead? Or perhaps you’re looking for a cryogenic freezer for medical purposes? We have that too!
Whatever you may need in terms of refrigeration, we’ve got you covered. If you would like to know more about our Blast Freezer line, feel free to peruse our Exclusive Blast Freezer Line Up and our Ultra Low Temperature Cooler Lineup.
Feel free to reach out to us through the contact page for a one on one consultation call with one of our flash freezer specialists. We will be more than happy to help you find the perfect blast freezer for you!